Architects design new buildings and renovate older buildings. The job also includes a variety of consultation related to planning and construction, such as fire protection, material and colour selection or maintenance and design of buildings. Architect is a certified professional title.

 In your work as an architect, you collaborate extensively with other architects, engineers and buyers. The work is largely office work on concept development and drawings, but architects are also often present at construction sites to observe and follow up on their projects.

Main tasks

- design and make plans for new buildings
- estimate costs and working hours
- draw structures and submit to building committees
- design interiors and furniture
- seek offers and negotiate

Competence requirements

An architect must be interested in designing drawing buildings. It is important to be able to work independently as well as being able to manage a group and work in a team. It is good to have an eye for detail and good computer skills, as much of the work of architects is done with the help of drawing programs.

The Association of Icelandic Architects (Arkitektafélag Íslands)


The BA program in architecture at the Iceland Academy of the Arts is a three-year undergraduate program without professional qualifications. Studying for professional qualifications takes two to four years after completing undergraduate studies. Graduate studies end with a master's degree.

In addition, architects need to gain some work experience to be eligible to submit drawings to building committees.

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