The work of clothing technicians involves assistance with making clothing, sales of clothing and other projects related to the clothing industry, often in clothing factories or sewing studios. Clothing technicians can go on to more specialized studies such as dressmaking and tailoring, which are certified trades.
Main tasks
- drawing and developing simple clothing formats
- working with tools and machines in the clothing industry
- drawing and developing simple clothing formats on a computer
Competence requirements
As a clothing technician, you need to know the properties of materials used in the clothing industry, be able to draw and develop simple formats, and be competent at sewing. It is important to be able to work according to drawings and project descriptions and to use tools and hand tools as well as using computers in concept development.
Clothing technology studies is at secondary school level program, taught at the Technical School, and the average study period is two years in addition to eight weeks of internship. Studies in clothing technology are a precursor to special studies in dressmaking or tailoring.
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