A fleet manager manages and is responsible for vehicles owned by a group tour company. The job involves organizing the maintenance of the vehicles and ensuring that the costs of their use are within the budget. Fleet managers are often also in charge of manning the fleet and monitoring the skills and habits of drivers with the help of GPS transmitters. The job consists of mostly office work apart from regular visits to workshops, garages and car dealerships.

Main tasks

– making decisions about buying, renting or selling vehicles
– ensuring that the required licenses are in place and keeping track of various necessary documents and data
– planning maintenance and inspections to prevent premature failures
– maintaining a computer log and analyzing technical information about the fleet
– supervising bookkeeping of the areas under the command of the fleet commander

Competence requirements

A fleet manager needs to be able to read and analyze results based on data collection and operational information. A fleet manager must also have good communication and negotiation skills.


There is no formal education requirement, but a university degree in engineering, statistics, business administration or similar subjects can be useful, as well as knowledge of the vehicles related to the job.

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