A quality manager is responsible for the operation, development and maintenance of the quality systems of companies or institutions. The job involves supervising the implementation of a quality system, ensuring that it is integrated with the relevant activities and that the working methods are in accordance with the ideology and methodology of quality management.

A part of the job also involves monitoring relevant laws and regulations that can lead to changes in the quality system, as well as maintaining professional knowledge by attending relevant courses and reading professional books and magazines.

Main tasks

- implementation of internal audits, preparation of external audits and processing
- processing information and key data to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of a quality system
- creating proposals for staff training on quality issues
- promotions and training of staff related to quality control
- maintenance, publication and distribution of a quality manual

Competence requirements

A good general education is important in the job of quality manager, e.g. proficiency in Icelandic and English, in addition to which it is necessary to be well acquainted with the activities of the company, institution or administrative unit in question. Organizational and managerial skills, initiative and communication skills are practical traits in the job.


Various courses and study programs in connection with quality management have been offered, such as by the Reykjavík Open University, the University of Iceland Continuing Education, Bifröst University in connection with tourism and the University of Fisheries.

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