The job of a hairdresser is to get to know the wishes of customers, examine hair and evaluate what sort of treatment is most suitable for it. The hairdresser chooses a hairstyle in consultation with the client, washes the hair, applies conditioner if necessary and advises on haircare. Hairdressing is a certified trade.
As a hairdresser, you could work independently or in a hairdressing salon and collaborate with other professions on various issues related to hair and fashion.
Main tasks
- cutting, dyeing, combing and drying hair
- dyeing hair in different ways
- applying permanent waving
- shaping and shaving beards
- selling hair products and advising on their use
Competence requirements
Hairdressing requires a certain coordination of mind, hands and eyesight, which is not least important for customers due to the use of tools such as scissors, razors and heating irons. A hairdresser must be able to seek customers’ wishes, in addition to which it is necessary to be in good physical shape, as the work involves a considerable strain on the musculoskeletal system.
It is good to be able to apply a variety of methods and to have knowledge of the properties of hair and the handling of chemical substances. It is also important as a hairdresser to follow fashion trends in the trade and to adopt innovations.
Hairdressing is taught at Fjölbrautaskóli Norðurlands vestra, the Technical College, Verkmenntaskóli Austurlands and Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri in addition to which a two-year basic study program is on offer at Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurnesja, Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands and Menntaskólinn á Ísafirði.
The average duration of study is four years, divided into six semesters of theoretical studies and 52 weeks of internship. Validation of prior learning has taken place and/or may be available.
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