A cosmetologist works on cleansing, massaging and grooming the face, hands, feet and body. The job also includes make-up, advice on choosing cosmetics and education in connection with skin care and cleansing. Some of the work involves making up faces; plastic make-up or general make-up, such as day, bridal, photographic, fashion and party make-up. Cosmetology is a certified trade.
Other main tasks:
- facial treatments and skin cleansing
- colouring eyelashes and eyebrows
- removing facial and body hair, calluses and dead skin
- diagnosing skin condition and determining treatment
- shaping, varnishing and trimming nails and cuticles
- hand and foot massage
As a cosmetologist, you could work in beauty salons, in cosmetics stores or in promotional and retail jobs. You can also specialize in makeup in theater, television or movies.
Competence requirements
Cosmetologists work in close contact with people and do make-up for different occasions. It is important to be able to explain the results of treatment, provide advice on follow-up treatment and refer to physicians or other specialists if necessary.
A cosmetologist needs to know the properties of the materials used in the profession, know how to apply heat treatment and use appropriate electrical appliances. It is important to be careful when handling and using substances and utensils and to have a basic knowledge of skin diseases, allergic reactions and the symptoms of diabetes.
Cosmetology is a study program at Fjölbrautaskólinn í Breiðholti. This is a three-year course, two semesters of theoretical studies, four semesters of practical training as well as 40 weeks of internship.
There is also a basic study path in hair and beauty at Menntaskólinn á Ísafirði.
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