Industrial technicians perform various specialist and technical jobs, often alongside engineers and technicians in design, consulting or teaching.

Main tasks

Civil industrial technician
- work at contractor firms, performing building inspections or site management.
Mechanical industrial technicians
- work at engineering firms or energy or manufacturing companies, designing, installing and supervising hardware.
Electrical industrial technicians
- work at engineering firms or energy or manufacturing companies, designing electrical wiring and installing electrical and operating systems.

Competence requirements

Industrial technician is a legally protected job title and completing a journeyman's examination in a trade in the relevant field in addition to the industrial studies in order is needed to graduate as a technician but an application for the job title must be submitted to the Ministry of Industry and Innovation.


Industrial technology has been taught at Reykjavík University and is divided into three study paths as well as general business administration which is open to others; civil industrial technologyelectrical industrial technology and mechanical industrial technology. This is a diploma study program alongside work.

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