Um Vefinn picture

Næsta skref is a general information website about studies and jobs, hosted and run by the Directorate of Education and School Services in collaboration with three ministries.

The project originated with Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins (The Education and Training Service Centre) and Sérfræðisetur í ævilangri náms- og starfsráðgjöf (The Centre for Lifelong Learning and Career Counselling) working on the development of Næsta skref in 2012–2014 as a part of a larger European project.
The website went through considerable improvements and changes in 2016–2018 and has since then established itself as a comprehensive information provider on the cusp of the job market and the education system.

In the summer of 2023, it was decided to relocate Næsta skref and change its appearance and emphasis in order to reach a wider group of users. The current version has been online since Spring 2024.

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A high-quality information service about jobs and study paths is important for various reasons. This contributes to a considered study choice, and the efficiency lies both in lower dropout costs and more traditional advice being directed to those who need it the most. This is one of the ideas behind Næsta skref, comparable to similar websites in neighbouring countries.

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