Secondary education picture

Upper secondary schools are the third level of education, organized as a direct continuation of primary education. Similar to earlier educational levels, the purpose of this education is multifaceted; 'to contribute to comprehensive development,' 'to activate participation in democratic society,' and not least, 'to prepare students for participation in the workforce and further education.'

Upper Secondary Education

The idea is that upper secondary schools can offer each student education tailored to their needs. Therefore, the educational offerings are highly diverse, with about or over 100 different study paths available at the upper secondary level; general education, arts education, vocational education, and professional education.

In upper secondary schools, both practical and theoretical subjects are taught. Practical subjects mostly aim to prepare students for specific jobs and provide vocational qualifications, while academic paths with an emphasis on theoretical education prepare students for university studies.

Despite the diversity of education and the differences between schools (multidisciplinary schools, vocational schools, academic schools, and technical schools), there is a common core to most study paths, whether the goal is the upper secondary school leaving examination, vocational qualifications, or university entrance exams.

Unlike primary education, attendance at upper secondary school is not mandatory, but all those who complete primary education or reach the age of 16 should be able to start upper secondary education, as the so-called compulsory education extends to the age of 18.

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Schools by region

Learning, validation of prior learning and counseling.

Enrollment in secondary school

Information on enrollment in secondary school and promotional materials can be found on the website of the Center for Education and School Services -

The application process is designed in such a way that elementary school students are sent a web key and instructions, while guardians also receive a letter with information about the enrollment.

Applicants aged 17 and over use an ID from or electronic credentials.

The secondary schools themselves advertise the arrangements for enrollment in distance learning and evening schools.

Grades are transferred electronically from primary schools to secondary schools, but additional data can be sent as attachments.

The rules for each school's admission requirements can be found on their websites.

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Duration of Studies

The duration of studies in upper secondary schools can vary but is usually 3-4 years for academic studies leading to the university entrance exam, vocational qualifications, and arts education. In many schools, preparatory paths are available for those who have not achieved the required results in primary education to enroll in other study paths.

Transitioning from primary to upper secondary education is a significant change. It is important to consider how many units should be taken each semester, the possibility of needing to retake specific courses, paying attention to attendance, and how the education is managed from day to day.

The number of completed units per semester essentially dictates the pace of education in upper secondary schools. For example, to complete the university entrance exam in three years, one needs to complete 33-34 units each semester. Additionally, a certain minimum grade is required to pass each course and progress to the next one.