Skill level: 3

The international study programs of secondary schools are generally divided into core subjects on the one hand and specialties on the other, which are in the fields of humanities and social sciences, history, international relations, languages or related subjects. The program ends with a matriculation examination.


Admission requirements for international study programs can vary somewhat depending on the school and it is advisable to check them on the schools' websites. Students must, however, have completed compulsory school with a certain minimum grade in the core subjects of Icelandic, English and mathematics.


International study programs are for the most part theoretical and are divided into core subjects, specialties and electives related to social sciences, international studies, culture and languages. Teaching methods and emphases may differ between schools, but are generally varied with an emphasis on information gathering, project work, collaboration and independent work methods of students.


International study programs have been offered at Fjölbraut Garðabæ, Fjölbrautaskóli Suðurlands  and Verzlunarskóli Íslands.

After graduation

International study programs are organized for the preparation of studies at university level – especially in the humanities, which are related to, for example, languages, culture, business or international relations, but the studies can also be a good basis for work in tourism or internationally.

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