Study paths where students assemble their matriculation exams according to areas of interest and plans for graduate studies are called multidisciplinary studies, elective studies, or open courses. This offers many choices and it is important to have certain ideas about what the goal is in the future. Elective courses can, depending on the school, be either from theoretical, art or vocational education and can even be a way for vocational students to complete a matriculation examination.


Admission requirements for open paths can vary depending on the school and it is advisable to check them on the schools' websites. Students must, however, have completed compulsory school with a certain minimum grade in the theoretical core subjects.


Learning in open paths can be both theoretical and practical, and the composition depends on the student's choice. Certain subjects or fields of study are selected for specialization with regard to the further studies aimed at. Teaching methods are generally varied and project-oriented, with an emphasis on independent work methods and collaboration between teachers and students.


Open paths have been offered in some form at most secondary schools and it is advisable to find out more on the websites of each individual school.

After graduation

Studying in open paths for a matriculation examination is not intended as a key to pre-determined subjects at the university level, but to each individual student's plans for further studies. When planning the study path, it is therefore necessary to consult with the course or department head, study and career counselor or other professionals.

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