Aircraft maintenance mechanics is a work-related study program at the secondary school level. The main objective of the study program is for students to acquire skills and knowledge for aircraft maintenance. The program covers topics such as electricity, physics and aeronautics, as well as the technology, equipment and methods involved in aircraft maintenance.
The average duration of the basic program is one and a half to two and a half years, depending on the school.
Applicants must have completed compulsory education in accordance with the National Curriculum Guide for Compulsory Schools, be 18 years old and have a clean criminal record. There are requirements about certain skills in English, and even mathematics and physics, but more information about the admission requirements is available at each individual school.
The program has been credit-worthy at the Student Education Fund (Menntasjóður námsmanna). Trade unions often provide scholarships for study. Get more information from your union.
Aircraft maintenance mechanics studies are divided into theoretical subjects and practical training. After the basic program, students can enter an apprenticeship with an approved entity as aircraft maintenance mechanics students.
Check whether the study program or part of it can be taught in distance learning.
A study program in aircraft maintenance mechanics has been taught at the Technical College (Tækniskólinn – skóli atvinnulífsins).
After graduation
Theoretical and practical studies give the right to an apprenticeship, after which students can take a journeyman’s exam which gives them the right to work in the maintenance of aircraft equipped with turbines. Students can also continue their studies in technology.
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