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Career counselling is widely available to make it easier for people to decide on a study or work path based on their own interests and strengths.

Counselling can help you find the right path.

Primary schools

Part of specialist services with an emphasis on general welfare and students’ future plans.


Diverse support, such as regarding study choices, study methods and job search.

Secondary schools

Students’ legal right to the services of career counsellors.

Job Market

Emphasis on lifelong learning, job search and rehabilitation.

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Directorate of Labour – Counselling and service for job seekers and those who want to change their path in the job market is very diverse. Practical advice and counselling as well as various useful support materials.

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VIRK – job rehabilitation – Counselling and services aimed at enhancing the working capacity of people with health problems and increasing their participation in the job market.

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Advice from lifelong learning centers – There are fourteen lifelong learning centers all around the country, offering a variety of services related to validation of prior learning, career counselling, Icelandic language courses, analysis of educational needs, and general re-education.

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Multicultural Information Centre – The Multicultural Information Centre provides information services for immigrants residing in Iceland. “Are you moving to Iceland?”

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Enic-Naric in Iceland – Evaluation of studies at foreign universities and work permits in licensed trades. Reliable information on degrees, education systems and evaluation processes in the ENIC and NARIC partner networks.

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FaraBara – Information on studying abroad, how to apply for and find grants. Information on different countries and students’ experiences.

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Association of career counsellors – A professional association that connects the career counselling that takes place within schools and the working world. The association’s website is also a collaborative platform for career counsellors.

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Euroguidance – Communicates European priorities in career counselling and supports counsellors to increase the possibilities for people to study and work within Europe and to have their experience and skills evaluated in another country.

Counselling in primary and secondary schools

Career counsellors are employed at most schools as well as by other support services. Please consult the website of each school in question for information.

Counselling at university level

University of Iceland Academic Counselling - General study and career counselling, psychological services, study and exam resources, courses, and the connections portal Tengslatorg

Reykjavík University Student Support - Information and assistance in achieving success in studies and realizing one’s interests and strengths

University of Akureyri Student Counselling Services - General study and career counselling, courses, counselling for specific resources and psychological services

Bifröst University Counselling - Organized study habits, study and career choices, well-being and health and special resources in studies

Iceland University of the Arts Student Counselling Services - Support related to learning opportunities, well-being, communication, vision, and future opportunities

Hólar University Student Counselling - Study habits in university studies, personal support and advice on study and career choices

Agricultural University of Iceland Study and Career Counselling - Study habits in university studies, study techniques and anxiety management, specific learning disabilities

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Other sources of information

Áttavitinn – a variety of information for young people

The Egilsstaðir Junior College Data Bank – for teachers, counsellors, students, and parents

Nám & stö – about trades and professions, career presentations, competitions, and collaborations

HvaðSvo – possibilities after completion of studies from specialized training courses

The Icelandic Upper Secondary Student Union’s Support Bank – about resources, access, and services in secondary schools

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